We spent all of last week learning about the Periodic Table. We learned about the trends of the periodic table, how it is arranged, and what a genius Dmitri Mendeleev must have been to recognize the patterns of the elements back in the 1700's! Once we had familiarized ourselves with the Periodic Table, each student was able to pick their own element to "adopt". So many of my students chose very interesting elements! They were required to find out the basics of their elements, of course, but then they had to research common uses, interesting information, photos of their element in its natural state, and a video about their element. One of my students even found a video of Xenon (a radioactive gas) being used in a pin ball machine!
We took all of our data and created a Flowboard on the ipad. Flowboard is like an interactive Pinterest! Not only can you post text and pictures, but videos too. It is a really great way for them to get all of their information in one place. Below are some student samples that were really out of this world! Enjoy!
Neon created by Maya Bordas
Einsteinium created by Madeline Silvestro
Copper created by Joohi Maknojia

Krypton created by Baker Ward
Silver created by Natasha Trayers
Radium created by Adele Corder
Silver created by Perry Rickard
there is the color silver which we now that is gray and some stuff about coper I didn't know